Journal of the Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea ISSN: 0023-1959
LSPNG 2021 hybrid Conference
21 - 22 September 2021
Ukarumpa Training Centre, SIL-PNG
Eastern Highlands Province, PNG
Zoom location (to be announced)
Online Registration: 14th September
Email ld-linguistics_png@sil.org to register your intent to participate, and in order to receive the Zoom link.
Online registration fee: Free
Ukarumpa Registration: 14th September
Email ld-linguistics_png@sil.org to let us know that you'll be joining us at the Training Centre.
(If you're coming from outside of EHP, please register ASAP or by 31 August.)
Conference registration fee: K35
Visitors to Ukarumpa:
SIL Guesthouse would like to receive bookings for accommodation by 31st August.
Email: gh-manager_png@sil.org
LSPNG 2021 hybrid Conference
21 - 22 September 2021
Ukarumpa Training Centre, SIL-PNG
Eastern Highlands Province, PNG
Zoom location (to be announced)
Online Registration: 14th September
Email ld-linguistics_png@sil.org to register your intent to participate, and in order to receive the Zoom link.
Online registration fee: Free
Ukarumpa Registration: 14th September
Email ld-linguistics_png@sil.org to let us know that you'll be joining us at the Training Centre.
(If you're coming from outside of EHP, please register ASAP or by 31 August.)
Conference registration fee: K35
Visitors to Ukarumpa:
SIL Guesthouse would like to receive bookings for accommodation by 31st August.
Email: gh-manager_png@sil.org
The 53rd Conference of the Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea will take place on September 21-22, 2021, at the SIL headquarters in Ukarumpa EHP. We will be hosting a hybrid conference, with virtual and in-person attendance and presentations. Joining us virtually as the plenary speaker will be Lise Dobrin, professor at the University of Virginia, USA. Dr Dobrin is a professor of Anthropological Linguistics and inspires us to examine the sociolinguistic and anthropological contexts of languages and their speakers.
LSPNG 2021 aims to provide a venue for an exchange of ideas on the value of indigenous languages in Melanesia. To do this, we want to encourage the documentation and description of under-represented languages, as well as the linguistics and sociolinguistics of creoles like Tok Pisin. Papers are invited which deal with the details of languages spoken in the South Pacific, papers on the sociolinguistics, linguistics, multi-lingualism, anthropology, literacy and education, ethnomusicology or applied linguistics of these languages. Papuan and Austronesian languages interact in dramatic linguistic diversity in PNG, from firmly established to highly endangered. We especially encourage PNG researchers to submit an abstract and join the discussion.
Abstract Submission
We invite abstracts for 20-minute presentations. Abstracts should be set in a minimum of 12pt font, and should be only one A4 page in length, including examples; references can be on a second page. State the main point of your presentation, and after making your arguments, summarise the significance of your research and further study needed. They should be in Word (.docx) or PDF format and should be anonymous; don't include your name on the page. The filename should start with LSPNG2021, followed by an underscore and then the first three words of the title of your presentation, e.g. LSPNG2021_kopefuturetense. Please submit your abstract electronically to ld-linguistics_png@sil.org by June 4, 2021. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by members of the organising committee. Submitting authors will be notified of abstract acceptance within two weeks of the submission date.
LSPNG Conference Organising Committee:
Ray Stegeman
Joyce Wood
Malinda Ginmaule
Aaron Wade
René van den Berg
LSPNG 2013 Conference in Port Moresby
LSPNG 2013 Conference in Port Moresby
The 2013 International Conference of the Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea, hosted by the University of Papua New Guinea in Port Moresby, will take place at the Waigaini Main Lecture Theater (MLT) from the 24th to the 25th of September, 2013.
To view / download the Conference Program, please click HERE.
Professor Bernard Comrie's Seminar on WALS May 29, 2013
Faculty and students of the Linguistics & Modern Languages Department, SHSS, UPNG, had a rare treat on Wednesday, the 29th of May, 2013 - a public lecture by the world-renowned typological linguist, Professor Bernard Comrie. In his lecture, Dr. Comrie explained how the detailed work carried out by linguists in Papua New Guinea on the country's indigenous languages has contributed to the overall understanding of Language as a human ability, and gave interesting details on the geographical distribution of linguistic phenomena in general.
The focus of Dr. Comrie’s presentation, however, was on the World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) - a fascinating and truly ambitious project he had initiated eight years ago in the department for Evolutionary Anthropology at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany. It was particularly interesting for many inspired researchers at UPNG to learn about how this extraordinary free-access database can help identify those features of New Guinea languages which have a widespread distribution across the languages of the world versus those that are unique to Papua New Guinea.
A video of Dr. Comrie's lecture will soon be available on our Videos page.
To access the PPT of Dr. Comrie's public lecture at UPNG, please click HERE.